About Us


The CCES mission is to support the ability of area citizens to responsibly manage materials by advancing improved local options for recycling, composting food scraps, and the safe and convenient disposal of household hazardous waste. CCES fosters local solutions for waste reduction, such as the reduction of single-use plastics. CCES provides useful information and resources that assist citizens in these efforts.


  • Solutions are needed to provide Champaign County residents with improved and convenient options for managing unwanted household materials, to increase diversion of food scraps from landfills, to provide convenient material reuse and recycle options, and to address the long-standing need for the safe and convenient collection of household hazardous waste.
  • Household hazardous waste (HHW) consists of leftover household products that contain corrosive, toxic, ignitable, or reactive ingredients that require special care when you dispose of them. Proper HHW disposal prevents pollution that could endanger human health and the environment.
  • A major ongoing CCES project is to establish a HHW collection facility to be open part-time and year-round to serve residents of Champaign County and Illinois residents.
  • No regional program to address these needs currently exists.


CCES relies on volunteers. CCES invites individual donations, foundation funds or charities, and grants.

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